Hallo aus Heidelberg!
Heute war es nass! Es hat die ganze Zeit geregnet, und das war schade. Trotzdem war es ein guter Tag in Heidelberg. Wir haben das Schloss zusammen besucht und wir haben eine sehr interessante Führung mit Lucia gehabt. Danach haben wir ein Spaghettieis gegessen und wir haben die Altstadt besichtigt. Heidelberg ist historisch und schön. Morgen werden wir Unterricht in der Schule haben. Es wird interessant, wie die Kinder das Leininger Gymnasium mit Bro Edern vergleichen werden. Mal sehen ...
Roedd yn rhaid iddo ddigwydd rhywbryd, a heddiw oedd y diwrnod: GLAW! Drwy'r dydd! Roedd hynny'n drueni am fod Heidelberg yn hen dref hardd a diddorol, ond fe dreulion ni lawer o amser yn ceisio osgoi tywydd Cymreig iawn. Cawson ni ein tywys o amgylch y castell gan fenyw diddorol a brwdfrydig ac yna aethon ni lawr i'r hen dref ei hunan. Penderfynais i y byddai prynu Spaghettieis i bawb yn ffordd dda o lochesu rhag y glaw am ychydig, a dyna a fu. Dwi ddim yn siwr a yw'r café hufen iâ'n cael archeb am 61 Spaghettieis yn aml, yn enwedig yn y glaw! Pan af fi gartref, bydda i'n awgrymu i Joe's y byddai eu bwydlen yn elwa o gael Spaghettieis arni. Yfory bydd y disgyblion yn mynychu gwersi yn yr ysgol gyda'u partneriaid am nad yw'r gyrrwyr bws yn cael gyrru cyn y daith hir adref. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at eu hymateb i wersi mewn ystafelloedd gyda byrddau du a sialc, dim bwrdd gwyn rhyngweithiol, dim cyfrifiadur, dim iPad, dim posteri ar y wal ...
It had to happen sometime, and today was the day: RAIN! Noah would have been proud. It was a shame that we did not see the famous, historic and pretty town of Heidelberg at its best, but we did the best we could. Plan B consisted of a guided tour around the castle by a very informed and enthusiastic tour guide called Lucia. In order to shelter from the rain in town, we managed to take over a whole ice-cream café, with an owner who was more than happy to serve 61 bowls of Spaghettieis and various other ice-creams on such a dreary day to 37 Welsh pupils and their German hosts. We then had time to wander around the pedestrian zone of this town which houses a better class of shop. Miss Francis and I hit Lindt, which must have the most superior Pick and Mix in the world, before going over to Käthe Wohlfahrt, a famous Christmas shop in Heidelberg. It was really bizarre to see Christmas in June, but thank goodness there was no Jingle Bells in the background! Tomorrow we will attend lessons in school. I look forward to our pupils' response to no interactive white board, no computer, no iPads, no posters on the wall, just a blackboard and chalk! It will do them good, and make them realise how lucky they are at Bro Edern.
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ReplyDeletePity there was rain for the last day but looking at the latest pictures I think that everyone still had a great time! The blog has been fab and has really given us a glimpse of Germany and of your experiences. What a beautiful place, definitely now on our list for a visit!