Monday, 15 June 2015

Diwrnod 2 yn Grünstadt.

Ich finde heute sehr fantastiscich.
Heute ich hatte shpaggetieis das ist sehr sehr wunderbar
Ich finde shpaggetieis fantastisch und sehr sehr sehr gut.
Heute ich hatte traubensaft.
Ich finde traubensaft prima.

Heddiw roeddwn I wedi cael spaghetti ice (hufen iâ sy'n edrych fel spaghetti) roedd hyna yn blasts iawn. Hefyd heddiw roeddwn ni wedi cael yfed diod gwanwyn roedd hynny hefyd yn blasts iawn a roeddwn hi wedi weld y factri ble Mae wîn yn cael ei chreu.

Today I had spaghetti ice cream (ice cream that looks like spaghetti) which was absolutely delicious. We also also had some grape juice which was also super delicious we were also shown around the farm where they made it and also was shown where they made the wine and talking of wine I had order some Rosè for my mum and some grape juice for myself.

1 comment:

  1. Diolch yn fawr iawn Luke. Mae'n swnio fel eich bod wedi cael die of gwych 😃
