Monday, 15 June 2015

Diwrnod 1 mewn Grünstadt - Sul / Sunday

13 a 14/6/15

Heute Morgan ich esse Toast mit Apfelmarmelade und Orangensaft.

Ich gesessen neben Jessica den ganzen Tag lang im Bus. Es war lustig, interessant und lebhaft. Vor ein paar Stunden es war walking aber heute Nachmittag es ist sonnig.

Die Schule Grünstadt war ausgezeichnet, erstaunlich und elegant.

Heddiw, codais am 9:30am. Bwytais brecwast - tost efo jam mefus a sudd oren - a ddechreuaes pacio'n sydyn. Roedd wedi cymrud tua hanner awr oherwydd fe wnaethom rhoi gyd o fy ddillad ar fy ngwely y noson cyn.
Am weddill y diwrnod fe wnaethom tacluso fy ystafell wely a wirio doeddwn i ddim wedi gadael unrhywbeth allan o fy mhag.
Am 9:00pm, aethom i'r ysgol i mynd ar y bws i teithio'r holl ffordd i'r Almaen. Roeddwn yn cyffroes iawn!
Am tua 3:20am, fe cyrhaeddom i'r Ferri, a roeddwn yn hanner cysgu.

Am 4:50am, ddechreuodd y taith i Grünstadt! Am mwyafrif o'r amser roeddwn yn teithio, roeddwn i'n cysgu'n drwm.

Today it took around 16 hours to get to Grünstadt!

The bus ride after the Ferry was alright, I slept through most of it. After 9 hours, our school arrived at Grünstadt only to find out that we were early! So we had to wait for a while for our German families to arrive.

We didn't have to wait long, and once we arrived at the school we had the chance to have a quick catch up and have our picture taken with everyone who was part of the exchange.

Later on, after I had unpacked and been shown most of the house, Simone and I had a bbq with her mother and father, they cooked sausages, chicken and they had made a side of some sort that resembled sour cream.      

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you earlier! Sounds like you're having a fantastic time and love seeing the pictures, the weather looks good too. The animal park sounded like fun, especially the rides, I know you love them! Ned was so funny when you were on Skype earlier, jumping to try and reach the phone! love from us all xxxxxx
