Thursday, 18 June 2015

Dydd 5 - Day 5 - Tag 5

Heute sind wir Heidelberg besucht. Der Wetter war furchtbar, es habt geregnet. In Heidelberd haben wir die Berg gesehen. Es war interessant aber ziemlich langweilig. Dannach habe ich mit meine Partner und freunden geshoppe. Ich habe ein Geschenk fur meine Schwester gekauft. Ich mag Heidelberg gern denn es ist historisch und interessant. Dannach bin ich mit meine Partner in die Restaurant gefahren.Ich habe ein Schnitzel gegessen, es war sehr lecker. 

Heddiw es i a'r gweddill i ymwled a'r castell a siopau yn Heidelberg. Roedd y tywydd yn andros o gwlyb gan ei fod yn glawio yn trwm. Roedd y castell yn diddorol ond roedd y ffeithiau dwedodd y dynes yn eithaf diflas. Ar ôl hynny es i i siopa gyda Tobi a fy ffrindiau. Doedd dim llawer o siopau yna ond prynnais anhreg i fy chwaer. Collon ni Ieuan am adeg cyn daeth y ôl gyda llyfr Almeineg yn ei law. Ar ôl cyrraedd yn ôl cefais bwyd blasus yn bwyti agos gyda fy nheulu Almeineg. Roedd y bwyd yn newydd ond yn blasus.

Today was the day that me and the others should breach the walls of the mighty German castle in Heidelberg. It was very large and history rich but it started getting a bit boring as we stood shivering to the bone in the pouring storm above us. The decoration and design of the building were fascinating, thus intrieging tourists from around the globe ( mainly America and Japan ) to explore the halls and dining rooms of the glorious castle or wine stockpile. After finishing with the castle I, Tobi and some friends went to shop in the centre of buisnes in Heidelberg. I bought only a gift for my sister as others spent on fake knives and hidden blade wallets. As the journey in Heidelberg ended I got a chance to explore a signature dish in Germany, the Schnitzel. I must say it was very tasty in the nearing restaurant. Tomorrow will be the last day in Germany so it shall be spent in a school of Grünstadt before a nice party. 


  1. Sounds a great day ( apart from the weather ). Glad you were sensible and didn't go buying any fake knives ! Uncle Damo kept asking if you had eaten a Schnitzel, I'll let him know. He loved his time in Germany, went many many times to revisit his exchange student.
    Hope you've taken pictures. see you soon. Hope you get good weather tomorrow for your last day.

  2. Sehr gut Jac! Berfau gorffennol yn eu lle. Gwych. Rwyt ti wedi dewis yr ansoddair cywir i ddisgrifio'r tywydd - furchtbar! Gofal: un N sydd yn Danach
    Beth am fwy o fynegi barn ffansi yfory?
