Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Montag gan Ieuan Davies

Montag gan Ieuan Davies

          Ich wachte morgens verspätet auf weil mein Wecker nicht geklingelt hat. So ich war der Letzte beim Frühstück (Entschuldigung!) und ich habe Frosties gegessen. Dannach sind wir zur schule gefahren.
          Heddiw aethon ni i'r gwinllan. Cerddon ni lan y mynydd yn araf bach ac yn flinedig. Roedd pob cam yn brwydr i cadw'n effro ac i cadw bant o'r llawr. Gyda pob cam teimlodd fel oedd y llawr yn codi ond roeddwn i'n cwympo'n îs ac yn îs. Roedd gen i freuddwyd o gael i tir gwastad a wnaith y breuddwyd ddod yn wir wrth i ni cyrraedd pen y mynydd. Roedd y ffaith oedd rhaid i ni fynd nôl lawr y mynydd yn newyddion hyd yn oed yn well ond doeddwn i ddim yn feddwl gallwn i dyfal barhau. Cerddon ni i tŷ y perchenog i yfed sudd grawnwin a fwyta pretsiliau pretzeliau.
          I was totally flabbergasted at the lovely sight of the holiday park. I love the sound of the screaming children in the morning even though it was the afternoon. First we scuttled off to the free fall tower, we were hoisted up nice and slow. I don't know the worst part, the fact that we were held for a whole minute up high above the park or the moment we were literally dropped and caught at the last second. Then we marched to the best attraction: GeForce. We zoomed through the air in an aero-dynamic monstrosity of metal, plastic and other various materials. We then trotted over to 'Sky Fly' but it was closed due to RRR: Redesign, Redo and Repurpose. So, we went to 'Sky Scream'. We were lucky; lucky because there was no que and none of the jumpscares happened. There were 3 caterpult starts, the first was fast but only took us halfway up the ramp, the second took us all the way up the ramp behind but we suddenly came back down and the third caterpult started the ride, we went extremely fast and it was so fun we went again, and that is when IT all happened. As we walked into the building the smoke machine went off (which was only the first thing that showed the vibe of death) then as we walked through the corridors the pictures were changing from normal to a zombified version of them. Then, as we passed the chamber with a dead body in it (which i am still querying if real or not) the surgeon lunged at us spraying blood everywhere (and tasted surprisingly like ketchup). I screamed like a little girl, followed by heavy breathing, followed by the front of the que.


  1. Ieuan! Beth alla i ddweud?!
    Mae angen ysgrifennu mwy o Almaeneg ...
    Saesneg: queue
    Gawn ni aros am farn Miss Morris ...

  2. Ieuan, the trip seems to have turned from comedy to horror! I am trembling as I type this comment... truly! Look at your use of commas again. You are using them to join sentences, and while that isn't illegal, it should be.
