Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Grünstadt Dydd 3

enjoyed today! First I woke up and had eggs on toast for breakfast. Then I went to school with Jacob in his -Mum's car- and then I met up with everyone else (except everyone that was late). Then everyone arrived and Miss Borde showed us a plaque/memoriale that was informing us off some of the Jews who wer taken by the Nazis in the second world war. We then jumped on the bus and went to the Technomuseum in Mannheim. We had a talk by a man which was quite interesting at the start but by the end everyone was glad It was over. We then had time to try some of the machines -including the spin bike and we all had a competition to see who was the fastest. We then swapped with Year 9 and the went upstairs to try the other equimpent. Then we had a mini comptition with a dome and 4 balls. After this went back on the bus to the city centre. We all went off in our own little groups and then met up with everyone for an ice cream. I then watched George haggle with a lady and in the end got £20 off a skateboard. Then we went to Burger King before heading on the bus back to school where by was picked up my Jacob's mother. I went home and had Meatballs before palying Wii Sport. Then I went out again to play Basketball with Jacob and his sister. Then it was cookies and milk before bed. I look forward to going to the Reptilium tommorow. 

Roedd heddiw yn diwrnod i gofio! Roeddwn i wedi codi a cael cawod ac yna wyau ar dost cyn mynd i'r ysgol. Yna cwrddias â gweddill o'r partneriaid ac yna dangosodd Miss Borde ni rhywbeth i gofio'r Ail Rhyfel Byd. Ar ol hynny eisteddais i ar y bws a mynd y holl ffordd i'r Technomusesum yn Mannheim. Roedd dyn wedi rhoi sgwrs i ni am Bionics ac roedd hi'n eithaf diddorol ar y dechrau. Ond ar ol dros hanner awr roedd pawb wedi cael digon. Yna roeddwn ni wedi cyfnewid gydag blwyddyn 9 a edrych ar y dechnoleg gwahanol. Fy hoff peth oedd y olwyn mochyn cwta ond roedd Leon wedi cwympo ac yna dim ond un peth oedd yn mynd i diwgydd i mi. Yna chwaraeais i gem am hanner awr gyda Miss Borde yn gwneud cwpwl o 'dodgy decisons'. Yna roeddwn ni wedi mynd nol ar y bws i ganol y ddinas i siopa. Ar ol hynny roeddwn ni wedi siopa am tua awr cyn cael hufen ia. Yna roedd Lord Sugar II (George Mutter) wedi cael £20 bant o bwrdd sgrialu. Yna roeddwn i wedi mynd nol ar y bws i cael fy migo i fyny gan Mam Jacob. Yna roeddwn i wedi mynd nol i'w dy. Yna ar ol gem o Wii Sport roeddwn i wedi mynd i ymarfer pel-fasged gyda Jacob. Roedd hi'n hwyl! Ar ol gyrraedd gartref cefais granfwyd ac yna mynd i gwely.

Heute war Fantastisch! In der morgen habe ich aufwachen. Ich habe mit Jacob in der Küche gefrühstückt. Dann ich habe in der Technomuseum mit meine freund gehört. Es war interessantDamala Ich habe in der Stadt mit meine Klasskamardaden kaufte. Sodann in der bus gegessen. Mithin Ich habe Klopse in der Haus gegessen. Ich habe Basketball mit Jacob gespielt. Es war prima! Ich werde Reptilium morgen besuchen. Gute Nacht!


  1. Helo Iwan! Falch dy fod wedi mwynhau'r diwrnod. "Dodgy decisions, wir!" Ha ha!
    Rwyt ti'n dechrau ysgrifennu Almaeneg o safon uchel iawn sy'n cyfateb i waith TGAU. Cwpl o sylwadau i godi'r safon eto. Sylwadau am ferfau heddiw:
    Ich habe ... aufgewacht (deffrais i)
    Ich habe ... GEKAUFT
    Ich HABE ... gegessen

  2. Great blog, Iwan! Very detailed. I'm pleased you have remembered pairs of dashes, but have you used them correctly here? In addition, try opening your sentences with various openers. You can't escape English lessons just because you are in Germany!
