Heute, habe ich Reptalium gegangen. Reptalium ist und fantastisch! Es war sehr warm. Meine Lieblingsreptil ist Chamäleon und Wasserschildkröten! Sie sind charmant und bezaubernd.
Habe ich Pringles und Subway gegessen, es war super!
Später, ich bin Pasta gessen, es war wunderbar!
Wir sind um 2:00 Uhr, habe ich spielen in der Swimmingpool!
Heddiw, fe wnaethom teithio i'r lle Reptaliwm. Roedd yn hynod o gyffroes, wnaethom weld llawer o anifeiliaid gwahanol!
Wnaeth Corina (y ddynas wnaethom dangos ni o gwmpas) siarad am sut roedden yn edrych ar ôl gyd o'r anifeiliaid egsotig. Hefyd, wnaeth siarad am y penderfyniadau anodd mae rhaid wneud i sicrhau dyfodol disglair i'r Reptaliwm, e.e roedd un neidr dim ond yn bwyta nadron arall, felly pan oedd pobl yn rhoi nadron i'r Reptaliwm a doedden nhw ddim yn poeni am beth oedd yn digwydd iddo, wel, rydyn nhw'n troi mewn i fwyd.
Ond, roedd hi'n trip posotif hefyd. Welon babi mwnci! Roedd wedi cael ei eni ar ddydd llun diwethaf! Roedd yn gorwedd ar cefn ei fam, roedd yn anodd weld o oherwydd roedd yn edrych fel pêl o ffŵr, ond ar ôl pum munud roeddwn wedi weld o!
Wedyn, wnaethom mynd nôl i'r ysgol i mynd adref efo Simone i nôl fy ngwisg nofio felly roeddwn yn gallu cwrdd fy ffrindiau yn y pwll!
Today, I went to a Reptile zoo. There was a lot of different animals to see but my favourite animal has to be either the turtles o'r the chameleons! The size of the turtles varied but the cutest of them all was an adult that was around the size of my fist!
Later on, when we reached the school Simone, Loisa, Megan, Zoe, Harriet and I had to go straight for the bus, otherwise we would miss it. It was quite an enjoyable experience: my friends and I laughed a lot! Even though there were no seats available and we had to stand - I almost fell over a couple of times and there were some unlucky passengers who were in the way of my not-so-graceful downfall - we had a bundle of laughs!
When we reached our bus stop, we got off the bus and went to Simone's house where we had one of the best pasta sauce's I had ever tasted (don't worry mum, yours is still the best!).
Then Harriets exchange partner's (Zoe) mum gave us all a lift to the swimming pool. The swimming pool was AMAZING! The was an indoor pool (which was heated), an out-door pool (not heated), an out-door salt swimming pool (so heated that if you had come from the outside swimming pool it felt like it was burning your feet) and a mini pool (inside the large pool indoors).
I had an amazing time because I had a sense of achievement after I jumped a 3 and a 7 1/2 meter board! I also got to watch the successful and not-so-successful attempts of everyone else!
Afterwards, Simone's dad gave us all a lift home where her family and I watched an American film in German with English sub-titles. Then I had a shower to get rid of all the chlorine and salt out of my hair, then went to bed.
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