Monday, 15 June 2015

Montag/Dydd Llun/Monday

Heute sind wir in die Weinberger mit Herr Siebet gegangen. Es war sehr interressant! Wir haben Bretzeln gegessen, und Traubensaft getrunken. Ich habe neben Mabli, Mared und Caitlin gesessen. Wir sind um 12:50 Uhr am Leninger Gymnasium angekommen. Ich habe Spaghetti mit Tomatensoße gegessen. Und dann habe ich den Augenarzt besucht. Wir haben wieder Eis gegessen. Und dann waren wir bei Anna. Wir haben Pizza gegessen. Ich habe mit Maya, Anna, Mira, Sophie C, Sophie B, Anne-Sophie, Lowri, Zoe, Harriet, Tobias und Jac gegessen. Wir haben Tischkicker, Tischtennis und Fußball gespielt.

Heddiw wnaethon ni ymweld a'r gwinllan. Roedd o'n diddorol iawn! Ar ôl beth oedd yn teimlo fel oriau yn yr haul poeth wnaethon ni cyrraedd dre fach. Wnaethon ni ymlacio a bwyta pretzels ac yfed diod grawnwyn blasus iawn! Wedyn, ymwelon ni a'r lle ble mae nhw'n cadw'r peiriannau. Wnaethon nhw dangos un yn gweithio iddo ni a wnaeth llwch mynd i bobman! Roedd angen cuddio tu ôl i Mabli! Wedyn wnes i dod gatref gyda Sophie a wnaethon ni mynd i ddoctor llygaid. Dim sbectol i Sophie! Wedyn, aethon ni i siopa a bwyta hufen iâ arall! Wedyn aethon ni i tŷ Anna a wnaethon ni bwyta pitsa. Wnaeth Mira, Sophie C, Sophie B, Anne-Sophie, Lowri, Zoe, Harriet, Tobias, Jac a fi mynd i'r parti gyda Anna a Maya. Wedyn chwareon ni pêl-droed bwrdd, tennis bwrdd a pêl-droed.

Today we visited the vineyards. They were very interesting! After what seemed like hours in the boiling heat we arrived in a small town. We ate pretzels and drank a fizzy grape juice. It was delicious! Then we went to see where they keep the machinery. They showed us one in action and dust sprayed everywhere! (Life Rule: If dust is sprayed everywhere, hide behind Mabli!) Then we headed back to Leininger Gymnasium. Sophie and I walked home and then we went to the eye doctor. No glasses for Sophie! Then we looked around some shops and ate another ice cream. Cookie and oreo! Yum! Then we went to Anna's house. We ate pizza! It was me, Sophie B, Mira, Anna, Maya, Sophie C, Anne-Sophie, Lowri, Zoe, Harriet, Tobias and Jac. We played table football, table tennis and football! Something about the day made it so perfect. Whether it was the glasses filled with Apfelschorle, or the bright, hot sun in the sky, or playing football while the sun goes down, I'll never know.

Gute Nacht!
Nos da!

Note to my mum: You have to create a GMail account and then sign in in the top right corner (if it says the thing about cookies click ok) then you can comment as you and not me!


  1. Lol what a great blog and I shall remember the life rule. Ilona

  2. Ha ha lwcus bod Mabli mor dal. Mae'n amlwg bo chi gyd yn joio mas draw.

  3. Sounds like a lot of ice-cream is being eaten.
    Good night!
