Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Gestern / Ddoe / Yesterday

Roedd 1,636 ymweliad â'r blog ddoe!
The blog had 1,636 page views yesterday!

Diolch i'r rhieni sydd wedi ychwanegu sylwadau.
Thanks to the parents who have commented.

Pawb arall - dewch mlaen! Ychwanegwch eich sylwadau i roi hwb i'r disgyblion.
Everyone else - come on! Please add your comments to give the pupils a boost.

Lluniau hefyd ar @ITM_BroEdern ar Twitter a @broedern ar Instagram
Photos also on @ITM_BroEdern on Twitter and @broedern on Instagram


  1. Love seeing the photos. Looks like you're having a great time

  2. Loving reading everyone's blogs. Sounds like everyone's having a fantastic time and great photos :-)

  3. We are having a great time. Thanks for your comments! Keep them coming ...
