Monday, 15 June 2015

Sontag gan Ieuan Davies

          Ich finder Grümstadt fantastisch aber meine ester Tag bin zu erwarten sein nicht. Ich habe nervös sobalt von der Bus gestuft. Aber sie sind nervös nicht oder betont, sie sind freundlich. Wir bin in der auto gefahren dann ich habe Lucas und Constantin gespiele. Dannach, wir Essen gehabt. Wir Hamburger gegessen, es habe lecker und überzeugend.
           Anghofiais bwyta fy mrechdanau ar y bws -sori Mam- ond bwytais fy mrecwast sef Pan au chocola. Roedd y taith yn hir ac yn ddiflas, roedd y peth cyfan yn gêm i profi fy amynedd tan aethon ni ar y ferri P&O. Cysgais ddim y holl taith a wnaith y ferri wneud o yn waith, mae gen i'r teimlad tragwyddol fod gen i Insomnia. Wrth cyrraedd y tŷ sylweddolais yn union faint mwy cyfoethog yw'r Almaer ac wrth edrych ar ei nodweddion bach a mawr sylweddolais faint mwy drud yw'r tŷ yn cymharu gyda tŷ i. Roeddwn i'n gallu weld y celf trwy'r ffenest clur a cadarn, roedd y drws y garrage a'r llenu'n awtomatig.
            My exgange partner's name is Lucas, He can speak English outragously better than i can speak German and this is a big problem. His younger brother with the name of Constantin cannotspeak English and even when i try my best to sepeak German it somehow ends up coming out as Welsh which makes it hard to communicate on the football pitch. But, to my advantage pointing to where i want him to go works but it makes it easier for Lucas to mark. The bus ride was intolerable, I had nothing better to do exept listen to music, play my games and read beacause i had nothing else to do. When on the ferri i went straight to the gift shop and bought myself a glorious Nerf gun to occupy myself (which got confiscated by Mr.Voyle in the first hour because of a shooting incident that had nothing to do with me and didn't concern me exept for the fact that it was MY Nerf gun). About 1 hour later i asked for my Nerf gun back and i was given a quick and stern "No" which was quite a shame because it fit so well with my fancy £10 goggles that I bought in the Eisteddfod. On the journey I asked myself  "Why is the Eisteddfod called the Eisteddfod" and then it suddenly hit me. It hit me so hard that if it were real it would have knocked out my loose tooth that I had developed over the past few days. My theory is that the Eisteddfod is called the Eisteddfod because the main thing is the chair seremoni were the champion poet (Which I'm sure has battled it out against other master poets in a bloodthirsty pen-on-paper championship - hashtag sarcastic) sits on a fancy looking chair (Which I'm sure will get him very far in life and will go on every one of his employment forms -hashtag sarcastic again).I think there is something wrong with me. Everywhere I go I end up adapting to the accent and ends up sounding disrespectful and as if I'm mocking it so all I want to say is I'm not mocking. This effect nocked down and builds back up again when I say something extremely British such as Buttered Toast, Tea and Gin, Shandy and other anonymous alcoholic beverages thou shall not be named. Sometimes i get nervous that they'll think I'm moking so i have to say something along the lines of "Preposterous Pottery" before entering the room. One other thing that amused me on the but was annoying Kaya with this:


  1. Rwy'n cytuno gyda Kaya! Blog diddorol iawn Ieuan, fe wnes i fwynhau hanes y daith ar y bws a'th syniadau am yr eisteddfod.

  2. Great blog, keep it coming, hope the weather is good, mum and dad

  3. We are waiting with bated breath for next instalment 😀

  4. That was supposed to be a smiley face at the end !

  5. Hmm?? Ieuan, dwi wedi cael amser i ddarllen hwn yn araf nawr ...
    Efallai y dylset ti ddechrau ysgrifennu blog yn llawn amser - ond ar dy wefan dy hunan!

  6. Gyda llaw, beth yw enw'r lle ma?! Gweler brawddeg 1 ...

  7. Dwi'n flin iawn i glywed am y gwn Nerf. Rwyt ti'n ysgrifennu'n wych...wedi mwynhau darllen y blog.

  8. Ieuan, this is hilarious! I told you that your writing was witty! I think your next novel project should be like this - just you writing about being you! It's brilliant. Watch comma splicing, however. You can't join sentences with commas.
