Heute bin ich nach Heidelberg gefahren. Ich aufgestanden an 6 Uhr! Heute Morgen ich Frühstück gessen mit Simone. Ich fand Heidelberg echt klasse. Wir sind Burg den ganzen Morgen dauernd gegangen. Es war alt, interessant und großartig.
Später, ich essen erste Subway seit Jahren. Es war so. Ich essen mit meinen Freundinnen : Jessica, Amelia, Megan, Simone, Jodi und Loisa.
Heddiw, wnaethom mynd Heidelberg! Roedd yn lle prydferth iawn. Roedd yr adeiladau yn hynod o bert a lliwgar.
Yn gyntaf, wnaethom mynd o gwmpas y dref, ond roedd yn boen oherwydd roedd yn bwrw glaw'n drwm! Ond fe wnaethom cerdded beth bynnag. Am tipyn roeddwn just yn cerdded o gwmpas y dref, ond wnaethom stopio mewn Cafe, a prynais cacen siocled. Wnaeth llawer o fy ffrindiau prynu'r un cacen ond doedden nhw ddim yn ei hoffi.
Wedyn, fe wnaethom mynd i ymweld a'r castell. Roedd yn castell hynod o hen ond hardd. Roeddwn yn gallu dweud unwaith roedd yn castell hynod o soffistigedig.
Wedyn, wnaethom cwrdd a'r partneriaid ni a mynd i Subway i gael bwyd.
Wedyn, ar ôl prynu rhai anrhegion i fy nheulu roedd wedi dechrau bwrw glaw eto a roedd rhaid cwrdd a'r athrawon. Cafon ein cyfri wedyn mynd nol i'r bws.
Pan wnaethom cyrraedd yr ysgol fe wnaeth mam Simone rhoi lifft i fi a Megan nol adre.
Pan wnaethom cyrraedd adre fe wnaethom cael Pizza a pancakes efo Nutela! Ar ôl tipyn bach o pacio fe wnaeth fi a Simone gwylio ffilm mewn Almaeneg o'r enw Rubinrot. Roedd mewn Almaeneg ond roedd yna is-teitlau mewn Saesneg fellyroeddwn yn gallu ei ddeall. Doeddwn i byth wedi gweld ffilm mewn Almaeneg a ffyndiais yn hynod ddefnyddiol pan roeddwn yn gymharu sut roeddwn i'n siarad a nhw.
Today, we went to visit Heidleberg with our German partners! I really enjoyed this because I felt like it's more relaxed to be with our friends than if we're alone at home playing games.
We started off walking around the village, if it was sunny it would have been extremely beautiful, but it was raining so hard that when the teachers finally found somewhere where we could all sit down everyone gave an over-exaggerated sigh of relief!
After another 20 or so minutes of walking we made our way to the castle. The castle was beautiful, I especially liked the room where the portraits of the Princes and Princesses hung.
After the tour, we went to see the big barrel where our tour guide said there would be a big surprise in store. But when we reached the barrel, there was no real surprise apart from the shock of seeing a barrel that is at least four times the hight of any of the teachers.
When we went to get lunch, we met up with our partners and headed over to Subway where i had a chicken sandwich. To be perfectly honest, I don't get what the hole fuss is about. Then, after we finished our sandwiches we went over to a couple of stalls and shops and bought some presents for our families (namely the Bro Edern students since we all went a little crazy when we arrived at Lindlt).
Then when we reached the school, Simone's mum arrived and picked Megan, Loisa, Simone and I and took us home. After dropping off Megan and Lousa, when Simone and I got back home, we had something to eat, I started on my packing then we watched a German film which was quite new for me since I have never seen a German film before. Simone attempted to explain the plot to me as the film progressed but eventually we gave up and turned on the English sub-titles. We then went to bed around 9.